FAQ’s about CBD2023-02-16T13:41:04+00:00

The world of CBD can appear to be very complicated and hard to know how it all works and what Product you should choose to best meet your needs.

We’ve tried to cut through it all with the most frequently asked questions we receive, just click on the relevant Category below, or select All.

And in case you are still not sure please just get in touch

Are CBD Oil and Hemp Oil the same thing?2023-02-16T14:34:39+00:00

The short answer is no. Hemp oil is not the same as CBD oil.

Hemp Oil actually means oil that is extracted from Hemp Seed. Importantly Hemp seed oil doesn’t have any CBD or other cannabinoids. It also doesn’t contain any terpenes because these compounds aren’t typically found in the seeds (they are in the flowers). Consequently it doesn’t have any pain relieving benefits, although it does contain health fats, Vitamin E and protein that can be nourishing and moisturising when applied to the skin.

CBD Oil actually means the oil that is extracted from the Hemp or Marijuana plant. It’s derived from the leaves, stalks and flowers as these parts contain all the active cannabinoids and terpenes. This is the one you need for any pain relief.

Can CBD Oil help with Stress and Anxiety?2023-08-04T12:10:54+00:00

Many people have however found that it has helped them with their Stress and Anxiety.

It is believed that is due to:

– its balancing effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS)

– the way in which it can increase the level of serotonin availability in the brain

– it’s ability to help increase the level of cortisol which is associated with the body’ stress response

– it’s potential to lower inflammation in the brain

A more fuller discussion can be seen in this article Managing Stress and Anxiety with CBD Oil

Can I Overdose on CBD?2024-06-04T12:57:59+00:00

The recommended daily maximum is 70mg – but please also review the latest UK Food Standars Agency advice here.

No study has reported an overdose on CBD oil. In fact A lethal overdose won’t happen with CBD oil because there are no cannabinoid receptors in the brain stem area responsible for respiratory function.

However, that doesn’t mean you can go overboard with cannabidiol, as it is likely that over consumption can lead to:

– nausea
– digestive issues
– fatigue and tiredness

How Does CBD Oil Work?2023-02-16T12:55:37+00:00

CBD works directly with the human body’s endocannabinoid system, or ECS.

The ECS is a neurotransmitter system responsible for many regular functions and feelings in the body. These include memory, motor control, mood, fertility and reproduction, immune function, sleep, appetite, bone development, and pain reception.

The ECS has 3 major components:

  1. Endocannabinoids: which are like the neurons of the ECS. Endocannabinoids are produced throughout our body. The two main endocannabinoids are anandamide (involved in appetite and memory) and 2-arachidonoylgylcerol (involved in maintaining emotional and cardiovascular health).
  2. Cannabinoid Receptors: the receptors that the endocannabinoids bond with. The human body has two cannabinoid receptors that we know of:
    • CB1: these receptors are present throughout the body with a majority in the brain. CB1 receptors deal with all kinds of movement and coordination in addition to memory, thinking, mood, emotions, and pain.
    • CB2: these receptors are commonly present in the immune system. Their primary role is to moderate pain and inflammation in the body.
  3. Enzymes: that help break down the endo and Phyto-cannabinoids.

CBD intercepts both the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the ESC, which are primarily responsible for transmitting messages to the brain.

How is CBD Oil made?2023-02-16T12:21:12+00:00

There are many ways to extract CBD from the Hemp or Marijuana plant.  Typically they use either gases or solvents which then evaporate away to leave behind the pure CBD oil.  Here are the main techniques:

CO2 Extraction –  The hemp is placed in a chamber which is then filled with carbon dioxide. By applying pressure to the chamber, the carbon dioxide is turned to liquid, which then absorbs the hemp’s oils and flavours. The end result is a liquid consisting of both carbon dioxide and CBD. This liquid is then pumped into a final chamber where the carbon dioxide is turned into gas.

Ethanol Extraction – Alcohol extraction is a popular and safe method. In simple terms the ethanol separates the plant compounds from the plant material and then evaporates, leaving behind a mixture of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, chlorophyll and more.

Olive Oil Extraction – Olive oil is used as a natural solvent. The plant is heated and then mixed with olive oil which as it is heated further binds the various compounds to the oil. Typically this is a method used at Home rather than Industrially.

Should I take CBD with or without food?2023-07-26T15:46:48+00:00

Taking CBD oil after eating optimises your chances of it having the highest bioavailability.

Initially take your CBD drops sublingually (under the tongue) typically holding for 90 seconds, then swallow.

If you then have food in your stomach already digesting, the CBD oil that is swallowed will have a greater chance to be absorbed by the liver without losing its efficacy. A meal rich in “healthy” fatty acids (avocado, fish, eggs, nuts) is the most effective.

Always try and avoid taking your CBD oil on an empty stomach.

What are the 3 Types of CBD Oil?2023-02-16T12:21:11+00:00

There are three main types of CBD: Full spectrum, Broad spectrum, and Isolate.

Full Spectrum means it is made from the whole plant. These oils include CBD as well as all the other cannabinoids found in the plant including THC, together with terpenes and flavonoids. This allows the full entourage effect to take place. When derived from hemp the max THC will be 0.3%.

Broad Spectrum means it is made from the whole plant minus THC. These oils include CBD as well as all the other cannabinoids found in the plant together with terpenes and flavonoids. This allows a partial entourage effect to take place.

Isolate means that everything other than CBD has been removed. No entourage effect is therefore possible.

And click here for a Pictorial representation of the differences

What Conditions Can CBD Treat?2023-02-16T13:14:32+00:00

Technically CBD is still classified as a food supplement rather than a medical treatment.

Having said that people have found that it helps alleviate a wide ranging set of ailments, pains and conditions.

 – General pain relief, including MS and Fibromyalgia

 – Insomnia

 – Anxiety and other Mental Disorders

 – Arthritis

 – Lowering blood pressure and improving artery functions

 – Epilepsy

 – Acne and Other Skin issues

 – Cancer treatment symptoms such as reducing nausea and vomiting often associated with chemo and radiation treatments

 – Diabetes

What is CBD Bioavailability?2023-03-24T16:37:16+00:00

Easiest way of thinking of this is “CBD absorption rate into the blood stream”.

It’s actually a medical term and the amount can vary hugely depending on the CBD product you take.

Typical CBD bioavailablity rates are:

– 100% Intravenous (not that this is freely available for consumers)

– 34% to 56%  CBD Vapes

–  20% to 35% CBD Oils taken under the tongue (sublingually)

– 10% to 20% CBD Oils

– 6% to 19% CBD Edibles (Capsules, Gummies)

– <5% CBD Creams and Rubs

What is CBD?2023-02-16T14:31:22+00:00

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound found in cannabis sativa, a plant with two main species – marijuana and hemp. The class of chemical compounds to which CBD belongs is called cannabinoids. It is these cannabinoids that give cannabis its medicinal, therapeutic, and recreational powers.

The cannabis plant contains over 118 identified cannabinoids among which CBD and THC are the most famous and important.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol) is the cannabinoid that gets you high when you smoke cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD is non-intoxicating in nature and does not cause feelings of intoxication or euphoria in the body.

Different species of cannabis plants contain different cannabinoids in varying concentrations. the two most common species are Hemp and Marijuana. Marijuana is rich in THC, which is why it is primarily used for recreational purposes. Hemp, on the other hand, is a variety that contains low amounts of THC and high amounts of CBD and is typically used for the industrial production of CBD oils and variants

What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?2023-02-16T12:21:12+00:00

Hemp and Marijuana are both species of Cannabis, however Marijuana is bred to have high levels (25% in some cases) of THC -the substance associated with illegal highs.

CBD is extracted from Hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC.

What is Water Soluble CBD?2023-06-14T09:53:43+00:00

Cannabinoids are naturally fat-soluble, which means they mix well with oils, but not water.

Water soluble CBD is quite simply CBD that you can dissolve in water (and can be Isolate, Broad Spectrum or Full Spectrum). While there are a variety of methods used, the basic premise is that the CBD molecules are broken apart and made small enough that they can effectively blend with water molecules.

The finished product (which can be an oil or a powder) may then easily be added to food or drink, which provides endless opportunities for different types of products.

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