2.5 min read490 words

The short answer is that it depends on the condition you are treating and also what weight you are.

There is no one size fits all, although there is general guidance that you shouldn’t take more that 70mg CBD per day (but also see update at foot of this post) – but again this really is dependent on your weight and need.

So why is this?

Put simply as with most “treatments” it depends on:

  • Your Size and Weight

  • Severity of condition being treated

  • Your individual body chemistry

  • Your tolerance to CBD

It’s normally best to start with a low dose and gradually work up until you find the level that is right for you.

How to Calculate Your Ideal CBD Daily Dose

So although the best CBD daily dose is unique for everyone, there are some general rules of thumb we can use taking into account your weight and the strength of the effect you are needing (low, medium or high strength).

This is commonsense really if you think about it – a 50kg jockey will need a smaller dose than a 120kg Rugby player, or someone looking for mild relief from an anxiety won’t need as much CBD as someone looking to treat persistent chronic pain.

As mentioned start low and then gradually increase – if you start to experience any unwanted side effects then go back to the lower dose.

Here’s a simple chart to show how this works out – and we have a detailed calculator below that to allow you to do a more precise calculation

NOTE: These measurements are in CBD mg and not CBD oil  – you can use our other calculators to show you how much mg of CBD there are in the various Oils or other CBD products you are using

Sorry, but in order for you to use the calculators you need to enable JavaScript in your Web Browser. It’s really simple to do, just follow the instructions here to enable JavaScript

UK FSA October 2023 Update to Daily CBD Limit

In the UK this daily limit was set in 2020 by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) – the USA has other guidelines which are generally higher.

In October 2023 the FSA revised these guidelines down to 10mg – the news release is here.  This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of CBD (because officially there is no proven effect!) – it is all to do with a concern that there may be some long term health effects on the liver and thyroid.

Note that no other country has followed this advice.

However please be aware of this in deciding how much CBD to take – all our posts show very clearly how much CBD is in a dose and whether 70mg /day has been used as the basis, so adjust accordingly as you think fit.

Published On: February 24, 2023Last Updated: June 4, 2024Total Views: 267Daily Views: 10 Comments on How Much CBD Oil Should I Take Each Day?2.5 min read

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