Latest Vouchers and Offers

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And we are regularly sent through money saving vouchers by our partners, the latest deals are shown below – simply select the voucher link to make your purchase.

In the shop we are always monitoring for the latest price reductions from our suppliers – as soon as we see one, we pass it straight on.

Just click here to see the latest price drops.

Orange County

15% off all orders with our Exclusive Voucher Code

Orange County

JULY SPECIAL –  20% off all orders.

Orange County

30% off all CBD Gummies

Orange County

25% off all orders £60+


Buy 1 item 15% Off – Buy 2 20% Off – Buy 3+ 25% Off


30% Off – Use By End of July

Swiss Peak CBD

30% off all orders (inc. Sale items) with this Voucher Code

CBD Guru

15% off initial order with this Voucher Code

Herbal Health

10% off initial order with this Voucher Code

Herbal Health

Buy 1 get 2 free on CBD Oils

Herbal Health

Buy 1 get 2 free on Selected Gummy Ranges

Love CBD

Gold Range – Buy One Get One Free – Automatic on Checkout from LoveCBD website


15% off all orders with this exclusive Voucher Code

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