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100ml 500mg (0.5%) Full Spectrum CBD Massage Oil


Please note that the pictures are representative of the deals we have found and may not be the same as the cheapest deal on the buy now button.

CBD Topicals (Balms, Creams, Butters, Massage Oils) are a great way of using CBD for localised pain. There’s a high concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the skin, and when CBD is applied topically, it activates the endocannabinoid system through those receptors. CBD binds to the cannabinoid receptors in your epidermal and dermal skin, a process that results in alleviation of pain and inflammation.

But remember they only work where you apply them – applying to your legs won’t help sore abs!

Here’s the basics to make sure you are choosing the right product.

Full Spectrum means it is made from the whole plant. These oils include CBD as well as all the other cannabinoids found in the plant including THC, together with terpenes and flavonoids. This allows the full entourage effect to take place. When derived from hemp the max THC will be 0.3%. More details here

500mg in 100ml means a strength level of 0.5% .  Typically one application is 3ml (half a teaspoon) which contains ca. 15mg so assuming a maximum daily dosage of 70mg a bottle will last you ca. 7 days when you apply 4 -5 times a day. This is classed as low strength.

The Best deals we can find at the moment are:

Green Therapy - Buy1 Get 1 Half Price
Green Therapy - Buy1 Get 1 Half Price

Please check the tabs below for more detailed information

CBD Topicals (Balms, Creams, Butters, Massage Oils) are a great way of using CBD for localised pain. There’s a high concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the skin, and when CBD is applied topically, it activates the endocannabinoid system through those receptors. CBD binds to the cannabinoid receptors in your epidermal and dermal skin, a process that results in alleviation of pain and inflammation.

But remember they only work where you apply them – applying to your legs won’t help sore abs!

500mg in 100ml means a strength level of 0.5% .  Typically one application is 3ml (half a teaspoon) which contains ca. 15mg so assuming a maximum daily dosage of 70mg a bottle will last you ca. 7 days when you apply 4 -5 times a day. This is classed as low strength.

Full Spectrum – is made from the whole plant. These oils include CBD as well as all the other cannabinoids  found in the plant including THC, together with terpenes and flavonoids.  This allows the full entourage effect to take place.

When derived from hemp the max THC will be 0.3%.

There are more than 100 other minor cannabinoids in the entire spectrum of cannabinoids. These include well-known compounds such as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  This may also include other, less well-known compounds such as cannabichromene (CBC), cannabinol (CBN) and cannabigerol (CBG).

The spectrum also includes terpenes, flavonoids, and other naturally occurring plant compounds. There are more than 150 terpenes found in the hemp plant. Some of the most common terpenes are limonene, a-Pinene, and Myrcene. These compounds give the plant its trademark citrus smell, and they are believed to have a calming effect.

Hemp contains approximately 20 flavonoids. These are compounds that can also be found in various other plants such as vegetables, fruits, and grains

Terpenes are aromatic compounds that give oils their fragrance, while flavonoids are associated with colour.

Please also review our FAQ’s and various articles.

As a reminder here are the Top 5 deals we can find at the moment (full list is at top of page) are:

100ml 500mg (0.5%) Full Spectrum CBD Massage Oil

Green Therapy - Buy1 Get 1 Half Price
Green Therapy - Buy1 Get 1 Half Price

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Size ml

Strength Category

CBD mg Per Bottle

Strength %

Type Of CBD Oil

Dosage Guide

The recommended maximum daily dose is 70mg CBD / Day so for this product it equates to:

ca. 4 – 5 applications per day

This assumes you are applying about half a teaspoon (3ml) each time.

Often a container will just show the total mg of CBD contained in the container which of course doesn’t help you calculate the strength – for example 250mg in a 60ml container equates to 0.4% strength, whereas 250mg in a 10ml bottle is  2.5%.

We have a couple of tables which will help you understand how all this works.

CBD Balm / Cream mg Converted to % Strength

To use this table
Check the amount of CBDmg contained in the container, then look up the volume of the bottle and the % CBD strength will be shown. Also be sure to check out our calculator tool here

Low Strength = under 1.0%
Medium Strength = 1.0% to under 4.0%
High Strength = Over 4.0%

CBDmg / Volume10ml20ml30ml50ml60ml100ml150ml

Max Balm Applications per Day to not Exceed 70mg CBD (Half Teaspoon per Application)

To use this table
The "normal" maximum CBD mg per day is 70mg (but see our calculator to get a more precise amount for your individual circumstances)

The typical CBD muscle balm application is half a teaspoon, which is about 6ml. Using this and for practical ease we have rounded up or down to the nearest whole number you can apply your balm this many times a day

If you are not 70mg / day please adjust the number of applications shown below up or down as appropriate

CBDmg / Pack Volume ml10ml20ml30ml40ml50ml60ml90ml150ml

If you would prefer to experiment with a range of dynamic CBD strength and CBD dosage calculators then please go here.


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